6-Natural Gas Back Boiler - Gas Fire Service

Service back boiler and gas fire .

If you need multiple services simply see top left , [+add to Booking ]- then select next time slot

Smell gas?

If you suspect a gas leak call the National Gas Emergency Service on 0800 111 999

Don't smoke or strike matches.

Don't turn electrical switches on or off.

Do put out naked flames

Do open doors and windows

Do keep people away from the area affected

Do turn off the control valve at the meter if you can

Do go outside of the property for your own safety

Servicing a Baxi Bermuda Back Boiler Much of the work doesn't involve the boiler: it is concerned with the flue and ventilation, and with cleaning and servicing the gas fire. The flue must be inspected throughout its length that means in the fireplace, upstairs, in the roof space and outside. And the ventilation must be checked that means searching for the correct ventilation grills to outside, and checking that the airway is big enough, not obstructed and has an acceptable route or ducting. When I do a second or a subsequent service on a Bermuda I don't have to spend time looking for vents which may not be there because I made sure they were there last time. Nor do I have to spend time convincing the customer that the missing vents are a big deal when he thinks it doesn't matter. There is more about ventilation here. The point is, an initial service often includes a fair amount of time searching for vents and clearing things out of the way in the loft to get access to the flue fo